AGREEMENT when purchasing
By adopting a cat from Wild Wisteria, every new pet owner is expected to agree to the following:
Quarantine new kitten for at least 7 days from other household pets
Activate free 30-day trial pet insurance (I also highly encourage you to continue to have pet insurance throughout the duration of your pet’s life. It is affordable and extremely worth it—approximately $20 per month depending on the plan you choose)
Never declaw, under any circumstances
Continue raw fed diet, or at the very minimum, wet food diet
Yearly vet exams for the duration of cat’s life
Provide a safe, clean, loving, indoor only home
Notify me if you re-home your cat to anyone at any time, including your family members
Understand that at any point in time of the cat’s life they need to be surrendered, I have an open-door policy. This means I will take back said cat for any reason.
Pet buyers’ contracts will be emailed prior to deposit.